Please fill in the enrollment…. we contact ou soon as possible


Vul onderstaand formulier in. We nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op en een uitnodiging voor de SSAMM Academy MS-Teams omgeving. Zodra u middels uw prive Microsoft account toegang heeft tot de SSAMM MS-teams omgeving start het facturatie proces. 

Zodra de betaling is voldaan wordt u overgeplaats naar de juiste omgeving. 

Use your private Microsoft account!

Please fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible and send you an invitation to the SSAMM Academy MS-Teams environment. Once you have accessed the SSAMM MS-Teams environment using your personal Microsoft account, the invoicing process will begin.

Once the payment is completed, you will be transferred to the appropriate environment.

Use your private Microsoft account!


Use this email for the MS-Teams invitation
Please select your timeslot according the Time Zone. The named timeslots are Amsterdam Central European Time (CET)!! Always check your local time with the Amsterdam CET time. Read more at the Class Time and Time zone page
Please check the terms and conditions
Please check the terms and conditions

Enrollment Proces:

  1. Step 1: Understand the SSAMM Academy Goals, Objectives and Body of thoughts
  2. Step 2: Make your choices in the SSAMM Academy enrollment form
  3. Step 3: Receive the registration mail
  4. Step 4: Receive the MS-Teams SSAMM Lobby invitation
  5. Step 5: Check and test the MS-Teams SSAMM Lobby environment
  6. Step 6: Completion and finalization of the financial obligations
  7. Step 7:  After fulfilling the financial obligation enabling MS- Team SSAMM Academy environment 

Countdown To Module 1

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