Vul onderstaand formulier in. We nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op en een uitnodiging voor de SSAMM Academy MS-Teams omgeving. Zodra u middels uw prive Microsoft account toegang heeft tot de SSAMM MS-teams omgeving start het facturatie proces.
Zodra de betaling is voldaan wordt u overgeplaats naar de juiste omgeving.
Please fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible and send you an invitation to the SSAMM Academy MS-Teams environment. Once you have accessed the SSAMM MS-Teams environment using your personal Microsoft account, the invoicing process will begin.
Once the payment is completed, you will be transferred to the appropriate environment.
- Step 1: Understand the SSAMM Academy Goals, Objectives and Body of thoughts
- Step 2: Make your choices in the SSAMM Academy enrollment form
- Step 3: Receive the registration mail
- Step 4: Receive the MS-Teams SSAMM Lobby invitation
- Step 5: Check and test the MS-Teams SSAMM Lobby environment
- Step 6: Completion and finalization of the financial obligations
- Step 7: After fulfilling the financial obligation enabling MS- Team SSAMM Academy environment
Countdown To Module 1