Navigating the vast realm of the first edition of the book Sustainable Asset Management can be an intricate endeavor. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the field, a student looking to immerse yourself in the topic, or simply someone passionate about sustainability and its intersection with maintenance, you’ve arrived at the right place. This (web)page serves as the central hub for all the content the author curated on the subject. It offers a table of contents, providing you with immediate access to each section and subsection of our website unless you have access to the pages.
Below, you’ll find a structured table of contents that will guide you through the web based book. From foundational concepts to advanced methodologies.
In the blue widget on the left side (phone below) you find the guiding topics with a short description.
Important: This online book is partially public available. For the chapters with the Scientific Symbol a ‘log-In’ is needed.
Table of Content SAMM, First Draft