Date: February 2025, Authors & Review: SSAMM, Review: J. Stoker Follow Jan Stoker  

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Bio Jan Stoker


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Reference and Sources. Check below on this Page.

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Reference and Sources. Check below

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The rise of A.I.


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Industry 5.0 in the A&MM field


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The IR5.0 Elephant in the room


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The Asset Management Pyramid




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Asset Management Fundamentals


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IR5.0 in the field of A&MM


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Digital Readiness


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In Excel We Trust


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In A.I We Trust



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Lets Enable The NextGens



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Figure one further explained



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The Digital Line of Sight


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The Line of Sight



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The cost of confusion


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The value of clarity



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Maintenance Management 5.0



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Main Approaches Maintenance


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IR 4.0 and Maintenance



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Maintenance 5.0 framework


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Maintenance 5.0


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The Asset Management Pyramid





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The Peter Principle Paradox


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The Dunning Kruger Paradox 


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The leminscate in Action 



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The Horizontal Line of Sight  


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The Verticl Line of Sight 




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The Asset Management Maturity  


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The Comparison of Alignment  



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Data Asset Management : 55013  



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The Maintenance framework





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Asset Management Laws & Lyrics with a twist……. 


Reference Articles 

Industry 5.0 Related

  1. Maturity assessment for Industry 5.0: A review of existing maturity models
  2. Industry 5.0: Past, Present and Near Future
  3. IR5.0 Human-Centric underpinned with 2022 Industrial Maintenance study
  4. Human in the loop: Industry 4.0 vs. Industry 5.0: Co-existence, Transition, or a Hybrid
  5. Industry 5.0 further explained
  6. Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0: Comparison, complementation and co-evolution
  7. Outlook on human-centric manufacturing towards Industry 5.0
  8. Maintenance 5.0: Towards a Worker-in-the-Loop Framework for Resilient Smart Manufacturing
  9. Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect
  10. Industry 5.0 definitions
  11. Be informed…. we are already in the Industry 5.0 timeframe


IR4.0 & IR4.0 Readiness

  1. An Industry 4.0 readiness Assessment tool
  2. Intelligent warehouse in Industry 4.0
  3. Maintenance Performance in the Age of Industry 4.0
  4. Simulating dynamic RUL based CBM scheduling
  5. Maintenance Analytics – The New Know in Maintenance
  6. Rethinking Maintenance Terminology for an Industry 4.0 Future
  7. Maintenance optimization in industry 4.0; Strategies, Information and the Reversed Data Pyramid
  8. An RUL-informed approach for Life Extension of high-value assets: Overview of LE practice
  9. Lean Maintenance 4.0: implementation for aviation industry
  10. Developing prescriptive maintenance strategies in the aviation industry
  11. Development of flexible Predictive Maintenance systems in the context of industry 4.0: the implementation framework

Digital Twin Related

  1. Reflection: Disruptive Innovation Asset & Maintenance Management
  2. Collecting Real-Time Data for Predictive Maintenance
  3. Lean Maintenance 4.0: implementation for aviation industry
  4. A digital twin-based decision analysis framework for operation and maintenance of tunnels
  5. Digital building twins and blockchain for performance-based (smart) contracts
  6. IoT for predictive assets monitoring and maintenance: An implementation strategy
  7. About auditing in the field of Asset Management
  8. A Digital Twin Design for Maintenance Optimization
  9. The difference between Machine Learning(ML) and Deep Learning (DP)
  10. Digital Twin Definitions: a time perspective
  11. Definition Digital Twin
  12. Approach for a Holistic Predictive Maintenance Strategy by Incorporating a Digital Twin
  13. Data-driven failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to enhance maintenance planning
  14. Advances of Digital Twins for Predictive Maintenance
  15. The 250 classifications of Digital Twin technology


Maintenance Management

  1. Decision-based framework for Predictive Maintenance Technique selection in Industry 4.0
  2. Data-driven failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to enhance maintenance planning
  3. Recent advances and trends of predictive maintenance from data driven machine prognostics perspective
  4. Data-driven decision-making for equipment maintenance: Data-driven RCM
  5. Toward cognitive predictive maintenance: A survey of graph-based approaches
  6. A deep learning predictive model for selective maintenance optimization
  7. Inspection schedule for prognostics with uncertainty management
  8. Development of Digital Twin for Intelligent Maintenance of Civil Infrastructure
  9. Risk Based Inspection Framework part of evolutions in Maintenance Management; Framework and Process
  10. KSPMI: A Knowledge-based System for Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
  11. Sharping the mind: Find The Sweet spot
  12. The Bathtub Curve Fallacy
  13. The framework for data-driven maintenance planning and problem-solving in maintenance communities
  14. The Maintenance Body of Knowledge
  15. Decision Framework for Predictive Maintenance Method Selection
  16. Maintenance Engineering defined
  17. The Maintenance 5.0 Framework
  18. The Maintenance 5.0 Cycle

Interpretation Article’s

  1. Line of Sight: Asset Management in the aligned timeframe
  2. Interpretation Figure 1 ISO55000
  3. The elephant in the room
  4. Asset & Maintenance Management amidst the Industry 5.0 timeframe
  5. Revised A&MM The Big Picture
  6. Article IR5.0 Human-Centric
  7. Explaining Predictive Maintenance using the KISS-Principle
  8. Asset Management 5.0: Balancing Risk, Performance and Value with IR5.0
  9. Food for Thoughts: ChatGPT in the field of Asset & Maintenance Management.


Additional Pages To Consult

  1. Sustainable Asset Management 
  2. The Maintenance Engineer
  3. The Maintenance Manager
  4. The Asset Manager
  5. Industry 5.0
  6. Circular Asset Management